The 23rd of November marked a memorable moment for our Grade 7 learners as they celebrated their Award Assembly. With meaningful speeches shared by our Foundation School Principal Ms. Alison Button, our guest of honour Mrs. Melanie Malema and lastly our wonderful headboy and headgirl. The day continued in celebration as our Grade 7 learners each received a certificate of completion awarded by our principal and grade 7 educators.

We would like to wish our grade 7’s well as they embark on a new journey, we trust they will take all they’ve have experienced at Our Foundation School and soar into their next journey with confidence and perseverance. As Mrs. Button shared “Always remember the importance of Kindness, Empathy and Understanding but most importantly Kindness”
We would like to thank the farewell committee for their outstanding teamwork as everything flowed as planned, to Hollard for the continuous sponsorship we are always grateful and lastly thank you to our grade 7 educators for the mark you’ve made in our learners lives including your hard-work and dedication, you are valued.

We wish our learners all the best for the next exciting chapter of their lives!